Heroes Pull

get your pigskin madness tickets today! (4)
Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run logo.

Locations and dates TBD.

The ultimate man-versus-machine challenge. This extreme and unique event pits teams of up to 10, plus one athlete, against a Fire Truck and possibly a SWAT BearCat, all while helping to raise funding and awareness for Special Olympics South Dakota!

If you haven’t done a Pull event, you’re probably wondering, “how does it work?”. Participants create a team of up to 10, with each puller raising $50 ($500 per team). If you have less than 10 individuals on your team, your team still needs to raise the $500!  

Awards and t-shirts will be given out at each Heroes Pull location.

Resources (*OLD Examples*)


For more information, contact Michelle Paulsen at 605-214-7762 or mpaulsen@sosd.org.